Wednesday, 4 September 2019


I had always said once Nila was here I wanted to try all the things I hadn’t with the older two girls as she was going to be our last baby. Now babywearing was something I hadn’t really
bothered with before , we did in fact buy a carrier with Alessia - but I never used it !

I had a look at all the different carriers you could get and there were  absolutely loads!. I started off with the iswaddle wrap which I reviewed here :) and I really enjoyed using that.

If you are not familiar with wraps then it’s a massive , and I mean massive,  piece of fabric that wraps around you. All instructions are provided so you don’t end up looking like a mummy! , but newborns seem to really love the wraps as they keep baby so close to your chest and this was definitely our go to carrier for the first 6 months .

I then tried the  Myamaki - review is here too :) , and this carrier ended up being the ultimate school run game changer . We use to live just above stairs and it was an absolute nightmare getting the buggy down stairs before the school run .I ended up damaging one of our wheels as it was lethal!. Not to mention lugging the buggy back up them afterwards.

The myamaki was an absolute dream for school runs and took only a few minutes to put on . What I really loved about this one was I could put it on and take it off by myself  which I was a little worried about , but it was so easy to use and Nila loved being in it too.

Nila is 2 now - my little baby is now a fully fledged toddler and we are still loving babywearing . We currently use the Izmi toddler carrier Which has got to be my absolute favourite one. We’ve used this one from 10 months old and at 27 months old , we are still going strong .

Nila prefers to be snuggled to me but we have done back wearing on holiday- which was funny :) . I am so happy I tried babywearing and I have such a love for it . It really does form a lovely
bond with your little one - plus you have free hands for your other kiddies too! :)

I’d love to know if you’ve baby worn and what carriers or straps have been your favourite .

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