Thursday, 24 October 2019


One of our favourite things to do for Halloween is pumpkin carving . We absolutely love it . You can’t beat a movie night with the lights off and your pumpkins glowing with tea lights in , it’s the best!.

We actually went to our our first pumpkin patch this year and picked our own pumpkins , which was so much fun! We will definitely be doing it every year now .

We picked out a small baby one , a spookley square one for Kadiann and Alessia picked the biggest one . We got some battery operated tea lights to pop in them once they were done and we were good to go!.

It’s the first year Nila knows what Halloween is , she is 2 now and honestly , she absolutely loves Halloween. Pumpkins seem to be her favourite thing and she couldn’t wait to carve her pumpkin.

As we do every year , the older two google some designs they might like to try and get on with their masterpieces and I helped Nila cut the top off and she loved getting mucky digging out all the pumpkin seeds and flesh.

Last year she used the little Brian paint sticks to decorate hers , but she wanted a smiley face this time so I cut her out some eyes and smile and she was so happy she kept shouting daddy into the  kitchen to have a look :)

I made soup with the leftovers , like we do every year and it’s so so so good!. If you’ve not tried it then i would  definitely recommend it - the girls absolutely love it.

We spent the evening carving away and the girls did such a good job. Nila has spent most of the night cuddling her pumpkin and walking round the living room holding it , which is so cute!.

They’ve been put under our fire display for cosy movie nights now and make the house look and feel super cosy for Autumn :)

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