Monday, 3 February 2020


Valentine’s Day is just around the corner , are you prepared?. I’ve always wondered does everyone go extremely soppy this time of year? - we don’t , but we do like to get a little treat to exchange on the day.

Mezz and I are big on sweet treats - I don’t care how old you are . You’ve always got a sweet tooth.
Yes we have a treat cupboard - doesn’t everyone? :)

I can’t actually believe that the family run business has been around for 90 years - that is absolutely crazy! . They are definitely the best sweet company EVER , agreed!.

This year we found out that swizzel actually do a wide selection of treats and goodies on the online shop, including some lovely valentines gifts delivered straight to your door. So if you are  the type that always forgets about the big day then look no more !.

No more rushing to the shops to pick up anything you can find as you have totally forgot - Swizzel has definitely got you covered :)

Whether you are a big fan of the drumsticks - we all LOVE the drumsticks , or you have loved the rainbow drops since you were little , there is a massive variety online to choose from.All the old favourites and the newer stuff is there to choose from .

I’f you are not sure what to pick them why not opt for one of their hampers and fill it with all of their absolute favourites . These are only £7.99 . You could also pick up a budget friendly £2.99 hamper that fits straight through your letter box too.

The ultimate hamper - which is definitely a sharer !, is the wicker hamper at £21.99. It will definitely keep you going for the entire year. I’m secretly hoping I’ve hinted enough to Mezz for this one . Toes and fingers crossed!

What’s even better is you can add a little extra and pick up a pack of love hearts and personalise it :)

I’ve also got a 15% discount for you - V15 - pop that in at the checkout for an even better bargain this Valentines . It is valid from 1st -14 February ❤️

So what are you waiting for ? Get them Valentines treats in ready for the big day :)

-Gifted items in exchange for the post

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