Sunday 23 February 2020


If you have been a regular over here for a while then you will know my girls love slime and blind bags . I don’t know what is but slime and blind bags are their absolute favourite things in the world!.

Now mixing them together / that would be their upmost dream! The guys at Spinmaster have done just that . They have released some really cool bags called Uni-Verse.

These are really cute cloud shaped paper bags almost that have a secret unicorn hidden inside.. which one will you get?

They are really easy to use , but I will warn you , they can get messy!. If you are not bothered by mess and slime then definitely go for it , if you are then pop a towel on the floor before you start.


Fill a bowl with water , the warmer the water , the easier the bags dissolve. Pop your cloud into the bowl and let the magic happen. If you want more of a slime consistency then don’t over fill the bowl with water.

You will then be left with a bowl of gooey coloured slime and water , which actually tells you which world your little fella is from , and a plastic bag with all your goodies inside.

This  bag contains your unicorn , their accessories and their scratch card which lets you know their likes and dislikes which is really cool.

We got a couple of rare ones - including the gorgeous Mwah - Mwah Mia who has the most awesome lips and her favourite drink is tea, definitely a unicorn after my own heart!

The girls have had such a blast with these and spent AGES with the gooey slime afterwards - definitely a double win if your kids love slime :)

Would definitely recommend if your kiddies love all things slime and unicorn !

-Gifted items in exchange for the review . All opinions are honest and completely my own .

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