Sunday, 14 June 2020


The weather yesterday was glorious and it has been miserable over the past week so we decided to get in the car and have a drive down to Snugbury where you can get the best ice cream ever!.

Snugbury is around 40 minutes drive from us and sits on a lovely piece of land which is lovely for a stroll in the summer time , they also have a signature statue which always lets you know you are near :)

It has had a Peter Rabbit for the past 5 years I believe , they have now changed it to a bumble bee , which is so pretty and we managed to get a photo - it was a must wasn’t it :)

We let the girls run off some steam as it’s been a pretty down week , we’ve been stuck in for most of it and just not been feeling lockdown this past week so getting out and running free was so needed and the girls loved it.

Snugbury have opened up a drive thru , so although the cafe isn’t open , you can drive thru and get their ice - cream, so we got in the queue and was super excited.

There was a wait , as you can imagine , I bet you can’t imagine how much of a queue can you? , let me tell you. We waited in that queue for an hour and 40 minutes!.

That my friends is determination isn’t it :), or stupidity HA!. It was 4pm and Nila was not napping until she got her white ice cream , vanilla :)

We got our ice creams and headed home . We got home in time for some tea and snuggles with a film before bed.

We had a lovely afternoon and the fresh air and change of scenery was so good, it almost felt ‘normal’.

Next weekend has given out good weather so I’m now planning  our next little weekend adventure :)

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