Sunday, 18 October 2020


 Halloween is our favourite time of the year and it has been for years now . To get you into the spirit of Halloween I’ve rounded up some Halloween must haves that you definitely need for Halloween.

Candles and pumpkin spice is the start of Autumn season for us for sure . We have been using wax melts for years now and they have such a wide variety to choose from. Whether you want your favourite scent or different scents for different seasons , they have you something for everyone .

I am loving the pumpkin spice latte melts at the minute and the scent throw is incredible. They are so affordable and also make lovely little gifts :)

Colouring with a brew is one thing I love to do in the evenings . Kids in bed , candles on and the colours out . The tarot colouring book I have found recently is a great addition and perfect for a full moon night of creativity. 

Pumpkin spice tea is my favourite  and with the witches brew teapot from Attitude clothing . Perfect size for a nice cup of tea first thing in the morning.

We won’t be going out trick or treating this year but we will definitely be dressing up and tucking into some sweets!.

The Haribo trick or treat bags are the perfect portion sized for a night in. They come in two different spooky variety bags and include broomsticks , frogs , bats and creepy spiders.

It’s a full moon this Halloween and I’ll be spending the evening writing down my intentions and what I hope for ,for the next coming months . 

Journalling is something I do with every full moon and it’s a great way to connect with the moon too. If you haven’t got a journal then you can pick them up for under £10.

We’ve got some really cool games to do this Halloween with staying in , and of course we need all the weirdness and gore to go along with our night , especially with Nila and Alessia , who love stuff like that .

This science kit is perfect! , making your own fart poo and fake blood - with 12 yucky experiments . You’ve got Halloween covered with this set .

Movie time of an evening definitely calls for cakes and we end up making some during the day but oh my , these cupcakes from Fatherson Bakery are to die for !. You can order them online which is even better and let them do all the hard work :)

I’d love to know what you’ll be up to this Halloween and I hope you have the best time !.

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