Friday, 16 October 2020


Science is such an interesting subject for children because it helps to stimulate their curiosity and encourages them to ask questions about the world around them. 

Science can also help children to develop important life-skills, such as problem solving, communication and team work.

Here is some great advice for fostering your child's passion for science…

Start with play

Building blocks and Play Doh are both great ways to encourage science learning through play. Water play is another fun way to explore science with younger children. You can experiment with different materials and see which ones sink and which ones float. As your child grows, you can introduce them to more advanced construction toys, such as Lego or K’nex

These toys encourage children to be creative and problem-solve, which are both useful skills that will benefit your child’s education. Puzzles are also ideal for encouraging older children to problem-solve, plus you can enjoy them together as a family.

Encourage questions

If your child likes to ask a lot of questions, try not to get frustrated. This is an ideal opportunity for your child to learn. For example, if they ask questions about night and day, you could demonstrate the various positions of the sun using a globe and a torch. 

If they ask how rainbows are made, you can discuss refraction by shining light through a glass of water. With science the possibilities are endless; simply explore your child’s own interests and ideas.


Because children are naturally curious, they love to experiment and see how things work. Help to stimulate your child’s curiosity by setting up science experiments at home. 

Don’t worry you do not need any dangerous chemicals; you can set up fun experiments in minutes, using simple items you have in your kitchen cupboards – For example, baking soda and vinegar can create a safe but exciting eruption!

Explore Nature

Finally, exploring nature is one of the easiest ways to teach your child about science. Even if it is raining, this can be a good opportunity to learn about the weather. You can talk about where rain and snow comes from and how they create streams and rivers

Encourage your child to explore plants and wildlife and discuss how trees produce oxygen for us to breathe. By exploring nature together you will teach your child to respect the environment and all living things.


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