Tuesday, 3 November 2020


Screen time is up, and it’s a problem. Whether you’re an adult who indulges in technology too much or a parent who’s trying to encourage their kids to be active, it’s essential to cut screen time. To much staring at phones and TVs is a factor in the onset of obesity and heart disease, and diabetes.

However, it’s not as simple as throwing all your devices and appliances in the bin and saying good riddance. Sometimes, screen time is a necessary evil as it’s essential for online learning. Also, let’s not gloss over the impact of watching a movie or TV series has on mental health. There aren’t many better ways to wind down after a tough day.

If you’re at a crossroads, you’re not the only one! The solution is to strike a healthy balance between screen time and doing other things, but it’s a lot easier to say than to achieve. How do you decide what’s necessary? How do you know when you need to de-stress? How do you stop the compulsion to pull out your phone and scroll through social media posts?

All these questions are answered below, so please continue reading to find out more.

Be Accountable

In short, nobody can tell you whether your screen time is unhealthy. After all, only you know whether what you’re doing on your devices is necessary. With that in mind, it’s vital to be accountable when you use gadgets. Otherwise, it’s tempting to slip into a bad routine that involves gorging on mobile technology for hours on end.

For example, if you’re a digital nomad, you already know that your screen time will be high,  (three-hours-and-twenty-three-minutes). You can’t do anything about this since staring at multiple screens is part of your livelihood. Without it, you lose the ability to earn money and pay the bills.

However, it’s best to put the devices down during your free time or turn them off where possible. You’ve just spent the better part of your working day looking at a computer, so you don’t need to do it at home or in a bar or public place.

Being accountable means understanding your routine and taking steps to eliminate needless screen time. To do this, you’ve got to stay strong and find ways to pass the time that don’t involve devices.

Protect Your Eyes

If you’re a person who has to look at a screen for prolonged periods, it’s crucial to remember that your eyes will take the brunt of the pressure. As a result, it’s common for people whose jobs involve screen time to experience macular degeneration. The trick is to watch out for the warning signs, such as vision disturbance or headaches.

When they appear, you should head to an optician and test your eyes to prevent your eyesight from deteriorating. Even if your eyes feel fine, wearing glasses while you work is an excellently accessible method of protection. Don’t worry about the price because you can shop around for bargains as long as you have your prescription.

With an eye test, you’ll know if your eyes are deteriorating due to excessive screen time. By wearing glasses, you can continue with your regular routine while adding an element of protection.

Forget About Screens In Your Free Time

Work is one thing, but your personal life is another. The trick to finding a healthy balance between screen time and your wellbeing is to forget about devices when you’re busy. If you’ve noticed, there’s something freeing about being active and not checking your phone for a big chunk of the day.

Plus, there are very few opportunities to indulge in face to face conversations and socialise that you shouldn’t pass up the chance when they occur. Chatting, whether it’s about a hot topic or nothing in particular, is incredibly rewarding. And, it’s something you can introduce regardless of whether you’re at home or out and about.

For instance, you could ban devices at the dinner table. Alternatively, you might want to turn off screens when you’re not using them, such as when the TV is on for “background noise.” If you’re reading, there’s no need for the TV to add to the atmosphere!


Remove Devices From The Bedroom

Take a look around your bedroom and you’ll see several devices. For many, they are necessary indulgences as a smartphone also doubles up as an alarm clock, and you don’t want to be late for work. Of course, the reality is, you like playing on your phone before bed and use the alarm thing as an excuse.

After all, you can easily buy a traditional clock and use that, rather than your mobile. In fact, you shouldn’t have any appliances in the boudoir whatsoever since they affect your sleep even when you’re not using them.

The blue light, or radiation, from electrical appliances is picked up by the body, which takes it as a sign that it’s time to get up. Really, it’s three in the morning and you’ve got hours before you need to need to get ready.

How do you strike a balance between healthy and unhealthy screen time?

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