Wednesday, 23 December 2020


 So we had all intentions on making a gingerbread house today , but after realising the set we had got was from scratch , we all , including the girls , decided to opt out of that! :)

I had also got a pack of ready to roll gingerbread dough to do cookies over the holidays so we got that out and spent the afternoon baking gingerbread men.

They loved that they didn’t need any help and could just roll out the dough and make the biscuits themselves , we love the kits , they are pretty much mess free and argument free ! :)

They take 8 minutes in the oven then let them cool and get decorating.

We get ours from Aldi , it’s only £1.99 and they taste really good, I will definitely make my own , one day :)

The girls got the sprinkles out and icing and smarties and made an array of different designs , we had Xmas trees and gingerbread men , bells and candy canes .

The batch made around 30 and we still have some left over . Have you been baking over the festive holiday? Next on our list is mince pies , yum!.

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