Tuesday, 29 December 2020


 We woke up this morning to so much snow!. It has definitely been cold enough for it to snow but we was not expecting it and the girls were so excited!.

Of course snowman building was on the agenda and we got all kitted up in our wellies and gloves to go and build Olaf :)

I must admit - it was SO cold and I knew the girls wouldn’t last to long out there , it always seems a great idea before your actually In the snow ❄️

I knew the girls wasn’t letting a snow ball fight opportunity  go to miss and got me absolutely soaked too!.

Olaf came out really good and we even added some eyebrows to him, he definitely looks a little scary if you ask me and I feel like he could be one of the scary come to life characters from the goosebump films :)

We have had a lovely afternoon in the snow . Back in for cheeseboard lunch and cups of teas as we are all blinking freezing now !

1 comment:

  1. How Lovely! We didn't have much snow although it was lovely to see huge flakes falling while I was doing the big Christmas clear up. I am hoping we get some proper snow very soon x
