Tuesday, 26 January 2021


 STEM learning provides educational opportunities for your child to think creatively, solve problems and discover new concepts on their own. By combining Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths you can help your child to build up a strong foundation of skills for their future.

Most schools incorporate STEM subjects into their curriculum in order to help young people develop an interest in these areas at an early age. However, there are many ways that parents can help to encourage STEM learning at home.

Here are five STEM activities recommended by preparatory school in West Sussex to explore with your child…

1. Outdoor adventures

Spending time outdoors is a great way to teach children about STEM subjects. Exploring nature is an ideal opportunity to look at food chains, animal habitats and how plants grow. You could plant your own seeds in the garden to help your child learn about a plant’s life cycle.

2. Water play

Water play is a perfect learning activity for younger children. You can experiment with different materials to see what sinks and what floats, or investigate what happens to certain substances when then they are added to water. For example oil and salt. Don’t forget to look at freezing and boiling water too!

3. Board Games

Board games are another fun way to learn STEM subjectswith children. This is because they get you practicing maths without even realising it. For example, Snakes and Ladders and Monopoly both help your child to use their maths skills in a fun and engaging way.

4. Cooking

Cooking is not only a great family activity for a rainy day, but it can also help your child to develop their reading, writing and math skills. Ask your child to read a recipe and write your shopping list before helping you to cook a meal. They can also practice their maths skills when measuring out the ingredients or using money at the supermarket.

5. Experiments

Kids are naturally curious and love to experiment, ask questions and see how things work. To help stimulate your child’s curiosity, you could have a go at some science experiments together
Using simple items from your kitchen cupboards, (such as baking soda and vinegar) you can create a safe but fun eruption!


  1. I have realised how much my children really do enjoy helping with the cooking. I am going to take advantage of that. Stem activities are so important.

  2. I've never thought about cooking as a STEM activity but I guess it is! We have a couple of really great science experiment books using items from around the kitchen and house and we love doing the experiments from them.

  3. 5 great activities, it is so easy to forget that STEM activities cover such a broad range of things.

    Cooking is a favourite in our house x

  4. My kids love cooking and yes I agree they can learn so much from it and with a tasty treat at the end for it!

  5. My kids love cooking and yes I agree they can learn so much from it and with a tasty treat at the end for it!

  6. Mine love STEM activities - they even enjoy measuring out the weights when cooking
