Thursday, 28 January 2021


I said that this year was going to be the year I really worked on myself .

2020 was definitely a year that made us all doubt ourselves and what we wanted , and the uncertainty of where things were going to go.

This year I am working on myself , my confidence , my self esteem and my happiness.

So far so good :) - homeschooling and working from home does have it’s pulling hair out moments but we are all riding the same wave in that sense aren’t we !.

Achieving Happiness by Jeremy Glyn, is my current read at the minute and I am really loving it . 

How to boost confidence, self-esteem, success and happiness, yes please . 

Mindset is definitely everything when it comes to believing in anything, Jeremy talks about so many different points in this book including his ABC model.

If you want to improve your life and become happier or improve your health or even become more successful , then you can , it’s as easy as ‘ABC’ 

A- Aspiration

B- Behaviour

C- Conditioning 

D- Description of self

The concept talks you through looking at the interactions between each of the letters , which is such an amazing idea . 

For example , if your aspiration was to become more healthier , but your behaviour was waking up every morning  with no motivation to kick start it with a healthy  breakfast , there would be no break or improvement in the cycle.

Visualisation is another thing he discusses , and I practise this quite a lot when I am wanting to change things in my life or would like something .

Vision boards are a great one too - put everything on a board and focus on it a little every day :)

I was really surprised to read that visualisation has actually been used since the 1970s as a form of mental simulation.

I definitely agree that the mind is a very powerful tool and we don’t use it to its full potential.

I’ve really enjoyed this book and you can pick up a copy of this book  from Amazon and Waterstones RRP £11.99.


  1. I decided to work on myself for 6 months and tbh working on yourself alone can be a hardship but I think having something help guide you can help and to not overwhelm yourself with all these sudden changes x

  2. The mind is a powerful tool indeed and so important for us to understand it and push it to its full potential

  3. I know a woman that is really into vision boards big time. She believes them to be very inspiring.

  4. I think we could all do with learning a bit more about happiness and learning to make the best of your situation x

  5. It sounds like you felt you had some value from this book. Hopefully it will put the reader in a positive frame of mind

  6. This past year has been very very challenging for us all .I think we all need this book to get us motivated and help us to get into a better mind frame. Self help is so important during this tough time.

  7. Glad that you chose to work on yourself, a lot of people need to start thinking about this but its a process.

  8. This sounds like a great read! The mind truly is a powerful thing - it can achieve so many things if we just put it to good use.

  9. I am definitely going to add this to my list of books to read this year. I really want 2021 to be a successful year for me and I want to learn to happier, so this book sounds like a great tool to help me get there.
