Tuesday, 9 March 2021


After nearly 3 months off of school , the girls finally went back yesterday , and they had the best day !.

The run up to yesterday had been a bit of a rollercoaster , Alessia was so excited to see her friends but also worried and nervous about covid tests and wearing a mask all day.

They have to have a covid test twice a week in school and she hasn’t had one yet in the whole of this pandemic , so she really wasn’t prepared for it.

They didn’t end up having them yesterday , so she will be having it at some point this week but I have tried to reassure her that it’s just uncomfortable rather than painful. 

Wearing a mask all day wasn’t as bad as she thought . They have extra breaks now and take it off for lunch , PE and outside play .

She was so happy to be mixing with children again, her mental health has taken a bit of a bashing and I knew that if we were going to be off school for any longer then it was going to get much worse , but being with people all day and having the routine again is what she has needed.

Nila did have a little cry Sunday night because she said she would miss me , she’s in Nursery and has always struggled with me leaving her there , so I knew all this time off could be very damaging.

We got ready in the morning , as she goes to Nursery for the afternoon sessions. We had a kitchen disco after breakfast , we got the playdough out and had a lovely morning and kept everything positive for her , then headed to school.

She went in like an absolute trooper , no tears!! , none at all, and came out absolutely buzzing!.

It’s teddy bears picnic theme this week so they made jam sandwiches and had a picnic and she also got some sweets as a welcome back and she was SO happy!.

Safe to say they were both absolutely shattered and was flat out by 8pm, and Nila didn’t stir our wake up once all night !.

I’m so happy that they are happy and we are just going to keep looking to the future and keep our positive hats on :)


  1. I work in a school so its not all smiles this end lol. My son is 13 and was very anxious about going back to school, in fact just leaving the house! He has been back a day now and he seemed to really enjoy catching up with his friends. Fingers crossed home schooling is VERY much behind us now x

  2. We have been worried about my nephew and his friends keeping there masks on but actually it wasn't as bad as we thought. Back to school is in session.
