Thursday, 11 March 2021


 When it comes to stories and bedtime reading , Nila always picks the same book , which is her absolute favourite children’s story- The three little pigs.

She has loved it since she was little and loves acting out the story to us all which is so cute!.

Her topic a few weeks ago for home learning was the three little pigs and she absolutely loved the work that was set out , building the houses with playdough was her favourite :)

She was really lucky to be sent out the Three little pigs board game from Orchard toys to review , and as you can imagine , she was super excited!.

Its a 3D board game which makes it really exciting and fun as we’ve not seen one of these before , and such a simple and easy board game for children and so easy to set up.

Players must travel around the board and collect bits of their 3D houses for the piggies - wood , straw and brick , but watch out for that big bad wolf!.

If you land on the wolf you will then have to spin the wheel which let’s the wolf huff and puff and blow down your house , but if you land on the bricks then the naughty wolf can’t blow it down :)

First one to make all of the houses wins !

We all love this game and it’s a lovely easy and quick game which is great for younger ones . Encourages group and also teaches little ones to take it in turns and count too.

Perfect for ages 3-6 :)

-Gifted item in exchange for an honest review 


  1. Oh I fogrot this, we had it when my kids were younger. I love orchard Toys, they are aamzing and last so well. Mich x

  2. A 3d game sounds like it would be so much fun, I bet the kids enjoyed playing it x

  3. This looks like such a fun game! Orchard toys always have such fab games and toys for little ones.

  4. This sounds like such a fun game for kids. I love that it looks so bright and bold!

  5. Orchard Toys have great colourful games for kids. They are always well priced too!
