Saturday, 19 June 2021


Dating is such a big part of forming a relationship. It enables you to find out about that other person, what they like and dislike ,what they are into, and if you are compatible. Which is the most important thing isn’t it.

A lot of us have put dating on hold during the pandemic as we couldn’t get out and date and the world was essentially closed and shut off for a very long time , but that’s where dating online comes in.

Meeting someone somewhere like a Cardiff dating site doesn’t have to be daunting, it’s actually quite exciting and virtual dating is definitely taking over the world!.

The majority of people now absolutely love it because of the lockdowns as it gave them a way of still socialising and interacting when we couldn’t face to face.

Not being able to socialise  and interact with people has definitely been one of my most struggles with the pandemic and I think it has been for so many people , but thanks to things like zoom and the lovely world of the internet we have managed to keep in touch and still date !.


My Virtual online date ideas is SO long , there literally is so much you can do and when you put your mind to it , anything can become a date online, even a lazy day in your pyjamas and coffee could actually be a coffee morning with your little fling online :)


Get yourselves the same ingredients for a meal and do a cook with me and sit down and eat together, get the wine flowing and have a lovely evening chatting away on zoom and enjoying good food - that’s if you can cook :) 

 I personally cheat and order hello fresh, ha! , the recipe cards come with the meals and they are so easy to make in as little as 20 minutes!.


A movie and popcorn is a win win isn’t it, I mean who doesn’t love a good film and snacks , I love making my own popcorn too, melt some lotus biscoff and mix it in with the popcorn mixture , so good!.

Start the film at the same time and have a movie night together - virtually :)


I’f you and your bestie have both been on the Cardiff dating  websites and both found a little someone and are running out of inspiration for dates then why not have a double date!. 

There are so many ideas for this one - quiz night , or 21 questions game where you ask each other 21 questions and you have to answer honestly!.

How about a virtual games marathon, these can last for ages and be so much fun , especially if you are a little bit nervous, the competitive side of you will definitely break the ice. 

Let me know if you use any of these ideas and do let me know how your dates go on , exciting!!!.


  1. Some good ideas here, I agree virtual dating is definitely something that has helped but people are wanting to get out. I'd like to go to Cardiff, it does seem like a lovely place. x

  2. I love the idea of a virtual games marathon and 21 questions. I some lovely date night ideas here, thanks for sharing.

  3. So many great date ideas! I love movie nights, they are a classic date night.
