Thursday, 22 July 2021


 Today our Lessie bug has turned 12.I honestly can’t believe how fast these years have gone . I know all parents say that but my god I am not ready for another teenager in the house!.

To be fair , she has the sass and the strop of a teenager , and has done for many years ha! :)

She woke up early , which is not like Alessia , she loves a lay in , birthday or Xmas , she is always still in bed and Kay has to wake her!.

She loved all her presents and was so happy to get some merch of her favourite YouTuber - it was daylight robbery for me , but that’s what was on her list of presents , never again though :)

She wanted to go the cinema to watch Croods 2, and it was so funny , we love the cinema , and love going as a family. 

We then went into town for her to spend some of her birthday money and slime was on the cards , which it always is . Lessie is a slime fanatic!.She picked some slime from Smiggle and then some glue and activator to make her own too .

She also picked some bath bombs from lush - such a proud moment ha! If you know , then you know…

Then we headed for dinner which was a bit of a disaster.She wanted kfc and after heading to three kfc places and having no chicken , we went to our local pub restaurant which turned out the best bet in the end as we all had a delicious meal , starters and puddings!.

Biscoff birthday cake and a sleepover to end the best birthday apparently 💜


  1. Aw Happy Birthday Lessie! It sounds like an amazing day was had to celebrate. I hope 12 is awesome for you.

  2. Aww it looks liked she had a very good day, even without KFC! Happy Birthday to her!

  3. Happy belated birthday, it looks like you had a lovely birthday, I want to see that film as well
