Friday, 23 July 2021


 I have had quite a few messages over on my Instagram asking for my Cherry Bakewell overnight oats recipe and I have finally got round to sharing it.

Not going to lie , I have tried over the past few weeks to get a decent photo, but unfortunately overnight oats just don’t look very photogenic and this is the best you are getting :)

They do taste absolutely delicious though and are my go to at the minute . The weather is glorious and overnight oats are the perfect breakfast and this combination is SO good!.


20G Oats 

100G fage fat free yoghurt

10ML almond flavouring 

100G frozen dark cherries 

Drizzle of honey

The most simplest recipe you will ever do!. Pop your oats in a container , add your yoghurt and flavouring and mix.

I add a bit of water to loosen off the mixture and a drizzle of honey , maybe 15/20ml of water , you can add milk if you prefer but I just use water.

Mix it all up , then pop your cherries in a bowl and microwave them for 30 seconds, you’ll get some good juices this way :)

Add them into your oats, mix , mix , mix , then pop your lid on and put them in the fridge over night .

Do let me know if you recreate this and tag me on Instagram if you :) 


  1. OMG, I so need to try these, they look incredible

  2. I love cherry Bakewell, it’s one of my favourites. This sounds delicious!

  3. Ooh this looks delicious and what a lovely way to start the day, such a treat

    Laura x
