Tuesday, 10 August 2021


I think I have definitely raved quite a bit on here about my love for learning games and making learning as fun as possible .

Little one’s brains are like sponges and they soak it all up at this age, Nila is 4 and she doesn’t miss a trick :)

So incorporating learning in with play is great as your little ones are learning and having fun at the same and it’s all sinking in !.

Froggy feeding activity set is a game that helps develop  little one’s fine motor skills , colour recognition and counting skills by rolling both dice to see which colour flies you will be picking up and how many. 

Pinch the frog’s mouth either side to open it up and gobble up all them flies :)

The frogs in this set are made for small hands to squeeze while developing the thumb-forefinger strength needed for a firm pencil grip .

This game has been a great little addition to our collection and has also helped Nila to remember what numbers look like too.

We’ve have mastered 1-5 perfectly with help with this activity set :) and she is absolutely thriving . 

This would make a great gift for Xmas this year or if your little ones are starting school in September then a great one for playing over the summer holidays .

-Gifted item in exchange for an honest review 


  1. I love games that are fun but also have learning aspects too. It looks like Nila really enjoys this one :)

  2. This game looks like great fun, great for learning as well which is always great, I will have to look out for this
