Sunday, 15 August 2021


We all know that mindset is everything. If we’re feeling positive , we feel good, if we’re feeling rubbish one day, every single thing seems to go wrong , right?.

Manifesting that life you want and deserve ,is all about your mindset, and really focusing on what it is you are trying to achieve.

We’ve all been there where we have already set ourselves up to fail with just our thoughts and mindset. I use to do it all the time , and honestly, it’s draining.

You will already know by now , if you are a regular reader, that I am all about manifesting my goals and  empowering everyone to reach for what they want.

Whatever it is you want in life , it is 100% achievable, you just need to really work on it .We’re not talking once in a blue moon wish for it and hope it appears the next day, we’re not about that tv magic life here :)

 Setting good intentions and manifesting your goals in your daily life practice,  will make it become second nature and you will see results, I promise you!.

What you think - you become

What you feel - you attract

What you imagine - you create 

I live by these and find myself humming them whilst stirring my morning coffee , as well as singing, I am by young baby Tate, got to love a high vibrations booty dance to that song!.

Gratefulness is such an important part of manifesting . Being grateful for the things you have and appreciating the small things goes such a long way , although it’s hard sometimes .

Enjoying a cup of coffee hot before the children wake up , or the sun shining through your curtain waking you up can be such a great start to the day.

Taking some time out in the evenings to focus on what you want . Light a candle and imagine you having that , whatever it is , and sitting with that thought .

Use the same candle every time you want to do this and it’ll become your working candle.

 You could add some essential oils and crystals on the top of your candle . 

Geranium and cinnamon are great for abundance and rose quartz are perfect for self love and feeling good in your own skin.

You might want to attract some more work ,or you simply might want to feel yourself again, whatever it is , you can do it and you will do it.

If there is anything you want help with or anymore information on , or just a chat , pop over to my Instagram, I’d love to help :) 


  1. I've heard a lot about manifesting and how it seems to work well for some people. It is something I really need to read more into and see if it is something I could try and do myself.

  2. I manifest daily and work on the goals that I wish to accomplish and also lead the life that I envision for myself. Great post.
