Thursday, 16 September 2021


September for me always feels like a fresh start, almost  like a new year, does anyone else feel like that?.We have the summer holidays which is always absolute fun mayhem and filled with so days out with the children and visiting friends and family, then September hits and it’s almost like a reset .

The children are back at school and Nila is now doing full days in Reception so working from home is completely different now.It’s a completely new routine and I am finally getting use to it .

I am loving my work day and I am getting so much done now I have the whole day without no distractions. I am even having the chance to take half a day off and actually be ahead of work - who am I! , this never happens.

September is also the month where we are still enjoying the summer days but Autumn is definitely showing itself and the wardrobe transition is slowly happening.

My absolute favourite piece for Autumn if I am honest is a jumper dress, especially the white dresses, they are a staple and I have quite a few but I love the thick chunky fitted ones that go in slightly at the waist.

They go so well with thick tights or even leggings and boots and make the perfect autumn outfit . Pair it up with a leather jacket and you can turn a day outfit into date night attire in a flash :) Don’t forget the hooped earrings and red lipstick.

White dresses  are also great for showing off the summer tan . I still have one and I am living for it at the minute !.We’ve had a few really nice days over the last week so I am topping up that tan at every opportunity, the joys of working from home :)

This pleated long sleeve shirt dress is so classy and another one of my favourites this month. Definitely feel like such a boss in it. I always team these types of shirt dresses with a belt as it completely transforms the look and breaks up the white .

Big black chunky boots with this and it is the ultimate boss babe look!.

I think a white dress is definitely one of them items everyone should have in their wardrobe . If I am ever stuck with nothing to wear or an online clothes order hasn’t arrived in time , or even a last minute dinner date, a white dress will always save the day.

You can do so much with them as you are working with a completely blank canvas. Another thing I like to do is add a brooch or a pin to them , makes such a signature piece and I have had a few people whilst out ask me where I bought my dress from which essentially I just decorated and vamped it up myself :)

This past weekend has been the park life festival, did anyone go?. It was all about the tie dye and camouflage bright colour outfits there and I LOVE it all. 

This bright lime and chocolate marble print slinky halter neck strappy  bodycon midi dress is the dress of dreams.

I was a little bit unsure of how I would feel in it as bodycon dresses that ‘hug’ you tend to make me feel not so great but oh my god I feel amazing in this.

I have been working so hard on myself over the past few months , eating healthy , going to the gym , self care and a good skincare routine and its honestly paid off , I feel amazing.

I have definitely got my wear out of this dress already and I am looking forward to wearing it again this weekend as we are out for a few drinks.

I love that this one can be worn with some trainers for a simple and casual outfit or if I am going out like this weekend I’ll pop on some heeled sandals and it looks super cute.

What are you currently loving this September?. Are you still living for the summer or have you already swapped out your summer wardrobe for the autumn cosy vibes? 


1 comment:

  1. Olivia is now at full time school and I am getting used to a new routine too! It's so strange, isn't it?
