Wednesday, 29 December 2021


 I’m in bed with a glass of wine and can honestly say this year has definitely been a whirlwind / for most of us hasn’t it really .

The year everyone thought would be different but covid has carried on making this year another one that some of us wish to forget.

It has been a struggle , I’m not going to lie, and it’s been challenging.

Reflecting on the year has definitely been an eye opener, the year has taught  me that I do love being outside. I use to love home days and think that was my personality but in fact, having to stay in just makes me love being out even more / does that make sense?.

I have changed and grown so much as a person, for the good and also for the bad. Anxiety is high because of the few years we have had but I feel so much stronger in other ways.

Making memories to me are so important and we have tried to make as many as we can this year and to try and look to them and stay positive.

To try and keep the children informed as much as they needed to be without scaring them or filling them with to much worry, and they’ve been so amazing this year , I am so proud of them .

I am going into the new year with a very clear and strong mindset of the things that I want to achieve and the intentions I have and to look forward and look for the positives because that’s all we have .

One thing I am so grateful for is that work has been steady and keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it continues to do so and I can provide for my family.

If you are reflecting back on 2021 I’d love to know one of you highlights, don’t think of all the rubbish, let me know one of your best parts of the year - and I’m sure you can think of a few :) 


  1. 2021 was a good year for us. My business grew, my son completed his first year of varsity - there was definitely more good than bad :) I am excited for the year ahead!

  2. It certainly has gone fast and another unusual year to say the least! I feel like life is whizzing by so quickly

  3. 2021 taught us a lot of lessons. I hope this year will be much better and covid will be over.

  4. A whirlwind is a great way to describe 2021; it was like a rollercoaster at times. I hope 2022 is kinder to us all x

  5. Thank you for the post! 2021 was definetly an eye opener, I hope 2022 is much eaiser on us.

  6. This last year was a challenge, but I am also going into 2022 looking to make memories. So many people remember the last few years as negative - and keep telling children it is negative, and I don't want to add to that.

  7. Yes, good health and solid income are so very important to keep our families going. Wishing you a wonderful 2022.

  8. Yessss! 2021 was a melting pot of emotions, highs and lows, but amazing nevertheless and I'm excited for 2022!"

  9. It's wild how the years keep going by so fast and it's wild that covid is still here. I hope this year will be better.

  10. I'm so over this year and ready to move forward. The last year has been forever.
