Tuesday, 18 January 2022


When it comes to self care, you will will already know that I am an advocate for looking after myself, inside and out and making sure my health and mindset is the best it can be.

Many things can get in the way of us taking care of ourselves, a busy job or lifestyle or perhaps the children running rings around you after school and looking after yourself is the last thing you seem to have time for.

This is where we get things completely wrong. If we are not showing up for ourselves and making sure we are ok then we’re not going to be good for anyone else, including the little ones.

It’s a new year, what have you set yourself for 2022?, to be kinder to yourself? or to spend some time just for you each day?. I’ve rounded up some really great ideas, that I use myself, to inspire your health and wellness and make you feel the best version of you. 

Are you getting enough? it’s as simple as that. Getting enough sleep keeps your immune system running at its best. Sleep deprivation will make us more sensitive to the effects of stress and the brain needs as much sleep as it can get so it can function properly.

I LOVE my journals and I love a good bit of stationary, do you?.I love writing down a list in the morning of things I need to do, which is great for clearing my head but I also love journaling.

There are a million journals out there. Self-care ones, evening ones where you write in the evening how your days been - absolutely loads. You could also make your own. A plain note pad and a pen, focus on your thoughts and feelings for that day and write down how you felt and what you were grateful for.

You might use it to reflect on how you’ve been feeling, and if you’ve been struggling a lot recently then journaling it down can help with finding the pattern behind it, what’s triggering it and finding out what’s currently not working for you in your life.

Asking for help is such a taboo isn’t it, as well as accepting help when it’s being offered. If you are feeling like you are going through something or experiencing stress or worry then speaking to someone about it can help. Whether that be a friend, family member or a counsellor.

People seem to look at therapy as something to take up when everything gets on top of you and it’s desperately needed, but if you seek help before breaking point and speaking about your worries and daily concerns, it doesn’t have to be this big cloud over your head.

The Awareness Centre offers online counselling and telephone help for those who are too busy or not comfortable with seeing someone face to face. I spoke to a counsellor on the phone weekly and it really helped with forming a healthy mind.

Spending a lot of time at home can get tedious, especially if you work from home. As you know I work from home full time and have admittedly held my hands up and said how lonely it can get and it can lower your mood.

I’ve been going to the gym in the mornings straight after the school run for an hour and it has made me feel SO good. Exercising has been proven to help with low moods and it also releases them happy endorphins. 

If you can’t get to the gym, or it’s not really your thing then YouTube is amazing for little 15-minute workouts or making yourself a flask of coffee and getting outside in the fresh air for a long walk.

Sometimes a good old pamper session is needed to recuperate. Cup of tea and the longest soak in the bath with your favourite bubble bath. It does wonders.I had one last night with one of the bath bombs I got for Christmas, hair washed, face mask, felt so good and definitely felt relaxed for the evening.

Treat yourself to a spa afternoon and get a facial. I will type in Facial near me Fort Wort, TX and then I get a nice selection of places to choose from in my area.

Do let me know what steps you take to keep your mind and body the healthiest it can be :)


  1. I spent so long looking after everybody else, it is only in the last 2 years that I have started to look after me. I didn't realise how exhausted I was until I slowed down.

  2. Sleep is a fantastic way of maintaining happiness. I'd suggest to get just enough sleep a night to everyone feeling down. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Working out, sleep and taking a time out - so important.

  4. I can never stick to journaling, but I read a thing where you can send yourself a short email every day, and have been trying that! Getting more sleep has been a big help to taking care of myself too.

  5. I have been having trouble journaling, so I started emailing myself little bits here and there, which has really helped. Getting enough sleep is a major self care tip!

  6. Amazing tips!!! Massage, resting, spa days, healthy food are all amazing ideas...I need it!!!

  7. I am focusing a lot more this year on self-care. Two of my older kids have moved out so I have more time.

  8. Working out really helps. It clears your mind and provides a empty, stress free time for awhile. While also keepig yourself healthy. Thanks for sharing!
