Friday, 11 March 2022


It is no secret Nila is absolutely obsessed with the children’s tv series Morphle. If you’ve been a follower for a while then you will already know this.

It’s our go to after school tv time and she honestly loves it. If you are unfamiliar with Morphle, it is an animated children’s television series about a girl named Mila and her magical pet Morphle.

Morphle can morph into absolute anything, and the series shows Morphle turn into a dinosaur, a giant truck a puppy. Whatever Mila can imagine, Morphle can Morph into!.

Nila has been lucky enough to test out some of the toy range from Morphle and she has be loving what we’ve been sent .The Morphle Dough set , the twin figures and the transforming plush.

Twin figure pack Smyths Toys

Transforming Plush Argos - £15.00

Morphle Dough Carry Case The Toy Shop - £15

The dough carry case is one of her favourites.Nila loves playdough and it’s great for little ones to develop fine motor skills and also perfect for strengthening them little hands and wrists.

It comes with shape cutters,scissors, a modelling tool,3D mould and even plastic eyes so you can stick them into your designs so they look like the characters , which we had so much fun doing.

The case is perfect for keeping all the bits together as we do have a habit of losing stuff in this house!.

This set is a great starter one if your little ones haven’t got any form of playdough yet.Cuddly toys are a must and the Morphle/Orphle transforming plush is so cool and super snuggly :)

Nila loves her little figures and she has an ever growing collection. The Morphle mini figures are so cute and great ones for taking away with you to nanny and grandads for the weekend. They also make great bath toys!.

You can tune into Morhple on Tinypop on weekdays or on YouTube,which is where we like to watch it.


  1. Totally out of the loop these days with children's TV, so have never heard of Morphle. The related fun toys look ace though and super colourful!

  2. These are so sweet! My youngest would love these, we haven't watched the series yet so will try and catch it.

  3. What a fun toy! And I love how it's cute but also lets them create and use their minds. Perfect!
