Saturday, 25 June 2022



As your maternity leave comes to an end, you may be thinking about nurseries and whether your child is ready. After spending everyday together, it can be a difficult thing to get your head around. The same can be said for them too.

They may not yet be ready to spend prolonged periods of time without you. Each child is unique and where they are in their development will be different to another which is why it’s important to consider their individual needs. To help you make that assessment, we have provided some guidance below from a day nursery in Chelsea.

Can You Leave Them in Someone Else’s Capable Hands?

At nursery your child will be amongst dozens of new faces. They will have nursery practitioners around them keeping a close eye and other children that they can play and interact with.

 This isn’t for a short break either. They’ll be in their care for a number of hours which can be very difficult and stressful for them if they are not comfortable with that. As a way to test this, you can leave your child in another person’s capable hands and see how they respond.

Basic Self Care

At nursery, your child will be expected to carry out basic self-care. They will need to do things like hold on to their cup to drink, change to use the toilet and collect their things. These are things that you can train them on beforehand and test to see whether they can do them.

Working with Others

As mentioned earlier, your child will meet other children just like them and will be expected to work with them. If they have some form of social readiness from your observations, it may be an indication that they are ready and enjoy social interaction. 

There’s lots of it for them to engage in too as they will play games, solve problems and craft with other children.

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