Friday, 15 July 2022


 Summer holidays are a week away and the girls and I always sit down and try and plan out some days out , things to do and just make as many memories as we can :)

We are trying to be budget friendly this summer too so definitely check out your local what’s on pages on Facebook as there are a few free events that I have found that the girls will absolutely love!.


Alton towers was on the girls’ bucket list last year but I was just a little apprehensive with covid still and being unsure of everything but Alessia is actually going with the school on her last day so I got two tickets for Alton Towers from Red Letter days ready for me and Nila.

Red Letter Days have so many different fun days out , family dinners , overnight stays - all perfect for the summer holidays and as little as £20!.


My local gym has a little splash park which is actually free for the little ones under my gym membership so we are going to take advantage of that over the summer as we’ve only ever been twice- fingers crossed the sunshine stays.


I knew the girls would put camping on our list . We went camping last year for the night and they absolutely loved it .It was our first time too and we really did enjoy ourselves,so maybe this year we can do a weekend somewhere different.


The cinema is our favourite place and there are a few things we want to see at the cinema, including the new buzz film. 

They also do the cheap kids club too which is £2.49!


We usually go to my parents house in Norfolk for some of the summer by the sea but I’m not sure what we are doing yet, so I think a beach day in Blackpool would be perfect. 


Nila loves telling Mezz that it’s girls only at every opportunity she gets, love the sass of my little 5 year old :), so girls nights were her idea. Face masks, homemade popcorn and movies - the best!.


We go strawberry picking every year now and the kids LOVE it!. Definitely a summer staple :)


We really haven’t been out on our bikes or scooters as much as we usually do, and I want Alessia to become more confident on her bike, and she got me to pinky promise so no going back now !. 


We have so many lovely parks local to us that have picnic areas so getting out with a picnic all day , playing on the park , feeding the ducks - a lovely day and only costing you a lolly from the ice cream van :)

As well as the lazy days and the care free days , these are just some of our ideas that we’ve come up with .

Do let me know if you’ve done a summer bucket list and what you love most about summer :)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have some great plans. We have nothing planned for the summer holidays yet apart from a couple of cinema trips. x
