Sunday 25 September 2022


 When it comes to reading, I hold my hands up and admit I love a juicy book, a complete book worm. There is nothing better than sitting down with a cup of coffee and really getting stuck into a good story.

I’ve just finished Being woke by Jon Cross this weekend and I have got to say, I throughly enjoyed it. Something completely different from what I have read before and  absolutely loved it.

So being woake is about a chap named Sebastian: a successful barrister, reluctant politicians and a man struggling with political correctness.It follows his rollercoaster of a journey at attempting to answer the impossible- how to be woake in the 21st century.

The challenges he faces along the way being newly elected into the local district council are enough to drive anyone mad, : Chinese delegations, rampaging bulls and exploding nightclubs.

Not to mention keeping on top of hate crime,benefit cheats,drug traffickers and all the rest that comes with being promoted .

Definitely a book of ups and downs and is actually based on Author Jon Cross’s real life experiences!.

Jon having been a criminal barrister, wine merchant, landscape Gardener, a conservative councillor and a cabinet member for a district council, he found his talent in writing and it’s such a good read.

Jon says …

Being Woake was written as my response to the on-going campaign of wokeness, raged by those in authority but not necessarily with the consent of the public. All of the events in the novel either happened, or very nearly could have happened had there been another twist of fate. First and foremost, I want the reader to be entertained and to laugh out loud, but I also want the reader to be enlightened about the inner workings of the justice system and local government, both of which have far-reaching consequences for the public.”

A book that definitely has you laughing aloud - and the front cover sums up the humour perfectly, the illustration is brilliant.

I think it’ll be a great hit for stocking fillers this year :)

 To order your book or read more about it then you can visit


  1. This sounds interesting. Also not something I would normally read but sounds intriguing.

  2. That cover looks really fun. Sometimes you just need something a bit different to read x

  3. This seems like a perfect vacation mode read...I will check it out for sure, thank you so much...

  4. It is so great to enjoy something that is completely different from what you have previously enjoyed. Glad to hear your review.
