Sunday, 11 September 2022


We first tried camping last year and absolutely loved it. It was on the girls’ bucket list and i was pleasantly surprised!.

To say we were novices was an understatement and we went with the bare necessities. Now we can say we’ve been there and done that I thought I would share with you our top 5 camping must haves.


Sleeping bags are obvious, but extra blankets are a must. It gets colder of an evening and if you are planning on camping over the autumn and winter than extra blankets are definitely needed.

Cosy evenings with a hot chocolate watching the stars :)


Stoves are definitely a mind field and I know so many people that have gone camping and just haven’t been able to get their stove to work. 

Don’t go for anything complex, an easy stove is all you need. We picked up a cheap and easy one that all you did was click the gas can at the side and literally flick the switch to light it!.

So easy to use for sausage sandwiches, tea and most importantly,s’mores!.


Somewhere to relax is a game changer and there is nothing more satisfying than lounging in a hammock watching the children play and listening to them giggling.

Tropilex have the biggest range of hammocks ranging from standing hammocks to chairs.

It also doubles up as a bed so definitely worth investing for them camping trips you have planned :)


Depending on where you are camping will also depend on what is there. You can be somewhere that has a pub and a park or you could be somewhere that has nothing, so if you’ve booked a more cheaper trip with not much to do then pack some games.

We love taking card games like uno as they are easy to pack, pens and colouring books are a good one too. Also outside games like stomp the rocket or frisbees are great things to keep the children happy.


Do not go camping without packing toilet roll, wet wipes and hand sanitizer. There is going to be a time that the toilet roll is empty or the site has no running water. NO tissue is not fun! :)

I’d love to know if you’ve been camping this year yet and what are your must haves 

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