Wednesday, 21 December 2022


I am really trying to manage my time at the minute . Working and having the girls off can sometimes be overwhelming and feel like I am constantly juggling.

This is why I make lists :). Make a list, set yourself goals , mini daily ones, all this stuff helps to keep on track and organise your time better.

Anyway , I finish work most days around 2pm, so I had booked us all in to watch Elf in the afternoon, it was kids club and only £2 - absolute bargain!.

It was Nila’s first time watching Elf and she has absolutely loved it!. I wasn’t sure what she would think of it but she’s definitely at the age now where she appreciates a good Christmas movie :)

We headed into town after to do a little bit of last minute Christmas shopping. I didn’t need to get anything but i just can’t help myself .

I picked up a few things including a really cute nightmare before Christmas headband for Nila’s stocking .

We had a Starbucks treat and some dinner and then spotted Santa. Nila’s been a little worried about being on the ‘naughty’ list this year but We’ve finally seen Santa today and we have conquered the fear :)

It’s been a lovely afternoon and a little trip out really doesn’t have to cost the earth. 

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