Saturday 3 December 2022


 We normally put the tree up on the 1st December every year but things have been a little meh over the past week , with colds and just feeling rubbish so we decided to put it up earlier to cheer everyone up :)

It worked!. I got the tree out and spent an age with the branches , if you know, you know. It’s the worst thing about the tree but I took one for the team and sorted the boring job out before the fun started.

Mezz picked me up a gingerbread latte from Starbucks and we got stuck in. I LOVE looking at all the old pieces from previous years that we have collected, it’s such a lovely time when we do the tree.

The girls did a fab job and it honestly feels so cosy in the living room.

We always go traditional with red, gold and green, what colours do you decorate?.

The stockings are up and the advent calendars are set all ready for the 1st . We’ve ended the evening on watching the new Santa series On Disney plus.

If you haven’t watched it yet , it’s absolutely brilliant!.

Are you feeling Christmassy yet?, 


  1. I am still not certain if we will put up our Christmas tree this year. We've got a cat now, and I'm not sure if he will keep away from it

  2. The tree is gorgeous! We bought our first tree as a family last week, we're super excited about it...

  3. Ohh wow....I love how you set up your Xmas tree, time to do up mine at home. Yeah! Just can't wait. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  4. We just got our tree up and are doing the decorating tomorrow. Each year, we let the kids pick out a new decoration, and it's always interesting to see what one they pick!
