Sunday, 8 January 2023


 If you’re not aware of what sensory play is, it’s the name that’s given to any play activity which helps children in developing their five senses (the ability to touch, smell, see, taste, and hear) as well as movement and balance. From creating objects with playdough to testing sound tubes, there’s a whole range that you can do together. Aside from these particular benefits, there are many ways in which sensory play can be beneficial for children in their learning and development. 


Below are a few that we learned from working with a prep school in Cheshire.


Making Judgements

Sensory play puts children in control of their learning. They can pick stuff up, poke and prod which helps them in learning about the world. In doing so, they will become familiar with the feelings of hot, cold, sticky, and dry. This is very important as it will help them in making their own judgments, for example deciding whether to pick something up that looks hot. 


Motor Skills

Soft play encourages children to investigate and learn through hands on means which develops their fine motor skills - skills which we use every day to do simple things like pick things up, grip and hold.



Also, as they make these discoveries they are learning and exercising their memory. Their brain will become stronger, and they will build a familiarity with everyday objects.



It can also be relaxing and help them to feel less stressed and anxious. Sensory play, as the name suggests, involves the senses just like many mindfulness techniques. It can offer the same benefits and give children a way of connecting with the present moment.


Social Interaction

You may take them along to a soft play centre or they may engage in soft play at nursery where they can play and share their toys with other children. 







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