Saturday, 11 February 2023


 Half term is nearly here for us and I don’t know about you but I want to try and keep the cost down as much as possible whilst still having a nice week with the children.

School holidays can be so expensive and really don’t have to be. Depending on your children’s age range,I’ve got 5 things you can get up to during half term that are under £5.


We love getting the crafts out, whether that’s paint ,making slime or simply printing out some pictures and having a colouring session, the girls love it.

There are lots of ideas online when it comes to crafts, all you need is paper and some pens, then the world is your oyster :)


 Not all of us are bakers right?, and some followers I know can’t stand the thought of baking .I’m not talking Delia Smith here. Simple cookie recipes with the ingredient you already have at home, or some easy flapjacks, just three ingredients!.

If you hate baking that much you could pick up some rich tea biscuits, make up a little bit of icing sugar and let the little ones decorate their biscuits with icing sugar and sprinkles :)

Get Outside

The parks are free and so are the nature trails if you have any around your area. It might still be a little chilly but wrap up, pop yourself a coffee in your flask and get out for an hour.

It’ll do you all the world of good and the kids will sleep better having burnt off some of that half term energy!.

Local Events 

Check out your local events site. Our shopping centre has free activities on during every half term and they are fantastic. 

This half term they have a puss in boots themed week of fun including crafting, sword balloon making and face painting.

Movie Night

A good old fashioned movie night can not be beaten. Make yourselves some pizzas, pizza wraps are so easy and affordable.

Let the kiddies pick some treats and snuggle up on the sofa with all the duvets and have a film night. 

These kind of days always feel like not a lot as parents but the kids absolutely love them!.

I’f you are planning a trip to the cinema then do check the kids movie mornings during the week as they are £2/£2.50 per ticket :)

 Soft Play

Nila still loves soft play and has asked to go this half term, but most of the ones local here are £6 plus , but I’ve shopped around and found that the one in my local gym is  £2, absolute bargain!.

Let me know what you are planning to get up to this half term and I hope you have a lovely week :)


  1. Great Post. Sadly the weather hasn't been great these past couple of days so it's been in days. We have half term this week in the South East.

  2. We never did a lot of traveling over breaks, as it is too expensive and it is nice to have the downtime. These are all great things to do with kids!

  3. I often feel guilty if we haven't done a lot. But I agree, they love to do a bit of baking, go to the park or even just all sit together and watch a movie.

  4. I love all of these ideas, it is always awesome to have fun while sticking to a budget.

  5. My kids love soft play. I wish they were £5 or under, it's closer to double that where we are. Baking is always a great option. Mine love that too.

  6. Great tips and ideas here. I'm always down for a movie night...I think no matter how old you get movie nights in are always the best :)

  7. The ideas are too good but it's too hot here already.


  8. Due to the cost of living crisis, our kids school sends out these newsletters for half term that talk about all the free local things - and I had no idea there were so many! I wish I had the mindset to check before - as there is often tons of local events going on.

  9. Movie night is a good one. I'm a big fan of affordable things to do.
