Tuesday 7 March 2023


 I’ve been feeling all kinds of sorts these past few weeks and knew I needed a read that would try and get me out of that funk and into a better mindset .

101 essays that will change the way you think by Brianna Wiest is just what I needed to pick up again.

I read this book last year and absolutely loved it and it’s definitely one that you will always go back and fourth with depending on the phase of your life that you are in.

I wouldn’t say it’s a complete essay book, but it definitely has its moments and the ‘essays’ make you reflect and get you back to that mindset that you’re searching for.

I’m focusing on working with this book more this year rather than just ‘reading’ it.Highlighters and sticky notes at the ready :)

If you are wanting to work on yourself , your goals, your mindset - this would be a great book for you.

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