Thursday 4 May 2023


 Woke up this morning and the sun was beaming, how lush is it to wake up to the sun shining through your window. Absolute heaven!.

I had spin this morning but Nila’s school was closed for voting so I started work an hour later to take her to the park.

It’s the little things isn’t it. Having a flexible work schedule is something I will always cherish and being able to take Nila out for the morning and still get work done is such a blessing.

We headed to the Co-op opposite the park to grab a costa of course :), and then headed to the park. 

I pinched an extra cup so Nila could have her strawberry milkshake in a coffee cup as she wanted to be like mummy.

I packed a snack for us each and we sat on the grass and just enjoyed an hour together.

When life is so busy, try and take a small moment to stop and appreciate the little things, it’s done us the world of good today and the vitamin C was very much needed.

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