Sunday, 14 May 2023


 You really can’t pour from an empty cup right?, we’ve all heard this saying before and today has really got me thinking.

It’s been a busy weekend, Alessia has been on a Duke Of Edinburgh camp stay in preparation for her actual trip in July, so it’s been all hands on deck with that.

I decided to cut the grass yesterday all by myself, and my god I was absolutely shattered, but I wanted the garden nice for the girls and the sun has made an appearance this weekend so I’m hoping we are on the way to summer - fingers crossed!.

We’ve got to get the bus to school for a few days so I’ve spent a good chunk of my time doing the laundry, the ironing, getting the house in order as getting back from the school run which is two buses there and back, then it’s logging straight on for work, I have definitely burnt myself out.

When do you stop and fill your cup up?, everyone else is sorted, the house is clean , dinner is made, so when does your cup get filled up?.

I made myself a fancy coffee, by fancy I mean I used the milk frother, added some French vanilla cream and sat in the sunshine.

It was bliss. I love the sun and I sat for half hour enjoying my coffee and remembering that I matter, my happiness is important and I deserve it!.

I just sat and reflected on my cup, making sure I did something this weekend that made my heart happy.

Stop to think of yourself and please don’t forget to fill up your cup.


  1. I also love the sun. I hoped for better weather too, and the weather turned out nice this weekend, but sadly not for a long time

  2. Amen sister!! We all need to take a moment to ourselves, but for some that can be hard when life is constantly throwing flaming projectiles at us at any given time. I love how you made is so easy to get into with the cup of coffee idea! Thanks so much for sharing!

    -Whitney Stewart

  3. Self reflection and just taking some time off to think, to clear all the buzz around us is super super important.

  4. It's so important to prioritize self-care and taking care of our own needs, and this post was a great reminder of that. I found it incredibly useful and inspiring, and can't wait to start implementing some of these tips in my own life!

  5. It's so hard to make time for yourself and I find it really difficult - there is always something more important!
