Wednesday 27 December 2023


 Boxing Day for me first and foremost is the Lush sales. Now I know what you are thinking , of course it is :), all jokes aside, Boxing Day I will always be setting my alarm for the Lush sales, it is a must!.

If you are new here then one thing I absolutely love and has always be my thing to relax and enjoy is a hot bath with plenty of lush products and a good book - it’s my release at the end of the week and I absolutely love it.

Lush only have one sale every year and that is on Boxing Day, so we hit the store and then it’s usually back home for games, games and more games.

 Boxing Day is definitely a ‘get all the Xmas toys out’ day and we love it.

I did have a look online at the lush sale but everything had pretty much sold out. I normally stay up early hours to get ahead of the game as the sale starts at silly o’clock but I am actually quite poorly today, I fell straight asleep after a lovely Christmas Day with the family.

Kadiann and I headed into town as the younger two didn’t want to come. In and out of lush, I did ok, a little disappointed as I had my eye on two specific sets but happy I got the skincare bits I wanted in the sale.

Back home for cold meat and pickles. I’d love to know your take on Boxing Day dinner as we have cold gammon, mash , cabbage and all the pickles. It’s been a thing from when I was little and i have kept on the tradition,plus it is delicious!.

To Alessia’s dismay we couldn’t find the pickles anywhere!. I know I bought them, and they were the only things missing out of the cupboard. Alessia has a bit of an obsession with picked onions so I definitely think she has snuck them into her bedroom for her pickle fix at some point :)

We’ve had all the toys out , magic mixie was an absolute hit and we have all had a lovely Boxing Day, how was yours? 


  1. Always great to visit when they are having a sale! I love how lush smells and enjoy their products, but I don't enjoy the prices. Looks like you picked up some great products.

  2. Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, but I hope the Lush goodies and cozy traditions brought some comfort.

  3. Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, but I hope the Lush goodies and cozy traditions brought some comfort.

  4. A lush bath, games, and the tradition of cold meat, mash, and pickles - what a delightful way to unwind after the holiday hustle. The Lush sale adventure adds a touch of excitement, even if a few items were elusive.

  5. I loved hearing about your Boxing day celebration! We don't celebrate here but my distant cousin who's married to an Englishman celebrates so I'm very much familiar with the holiday. Sounds like a lot of fun and good memories ^_^

  6. I hope you are feeling better! We do a lot of playing with the toys from Christmas on Boxing Day too - it's the perfect day for it.

  7. We didn't end up buying anything on Boxing day. We did look around but found nothing in particular that appealing.

  8. I loved hearing about your Boxing day celebration! We don't celebrate it here but my friend who lives in England celebrates so I'm familiar with the holiday.
