Monday, 1 January 2024


 Feels really weird writing 2024.Another year of everyone making resolutions that they will no doubt break after a week. We have all done it, right? new year, new me blah blah. Just because it is a new year you really dont have to change yourself. Rather than thinking you need to do all these amazing things and become so much better than you already are, which you are no doubt amazing anyway.


I wrote some notes on New Year's Eve on my phone, some things I want to achieve big and also some little goals I would like to accomplish by the end of the year.


I want to build healthy habits this year. I got a journal for Christmas, a five-minute one, that I am hoping I can do every morning and evening to reflect on the day and night as this way of living has been proven to help build a happier healthier life :).Taking my supplements every morning and drinking my water!.


This is the year I get my training on point!. If you are new here I started working out and training at the gym a few years ago. With no real plan of what I wanted to achieve really. I hired a PT last year and then didn't really take it seriously but then was disappointed with the results. Moving my body every day whether that be the gym or a walk and sticking to my plan.


A love-hate relationship with this one. I have been learning to drive for the past year but I just hate it. I feel like it is a chore and 9 times out of 10 cancel my lessons as I just can not be bothered. I know that's terrible!. I haven't had the headspace to sit and revise the theory but I am not leaving 2024 without a driving license, watch this space!.


Last year I aimed for a book a month and didn't quite achieve that, so I am setting that little challenge again this year. I am still working my way through my Xmas book so I am going to count that one as January's book so I have a little head start :)


Sounds cliche but I really want to start enjoying life. I work so hard and I am just not living my life to the best and fullest. Hobbies I have are non-existent and I want to make time for my life and my hobbies. For context - I got a Cricut for Xmas in 2022 and I haven't taken it out of the box once yet.


I want to take the girls on a little girls-only holiday. I love my children, we really dont spend enough time together. Kadiann has now moved out and we are hardly all together at the same time. Maybe a weekend away at the seaside in the summer, that would be so fun!.


Mezz and I never get time together and I have been looking into relationships and how they work over the past few weeks, if you are not getting any quality time with each other then how are you supposed to be in a happy healthy relationship. A little too deep? I dont know.

We do not have anyone close by to watch the children, hence the no date nights or going out together but I think we could both get back on track and take things back to basics. Coffee dates, movie nights in, we were up at 2am yesterday watching Catfish on the sofa and it really reminded me of the old times when we first met :)

I'd love to know if you have set yourself any goals or challenges for the new year...


  1. I love this list! Doable and compassionate to yourself 😍

  2. Some of these sounds similar to mine. Good luck with the goals and have a great 2024
