Wednesday, 17 January 2024


 If anyone can tell winter to be gone now please i would greatly appreciate it. What is this weather?. Minus 6 we have woken up to snow, so a snow day it is.

We are trying to monitor our heating so the big fluffy socks and oodies are on this morning. Buses were a nightmare so the children are off school and we are having a well-deserved home day!. 

One thing I am so grateful for is my job. I can work pretty much anywhere, I would prefer a hot beach right now, but cold Staffordshire will have to do :)

I logged on for work whilst the children snuggled up on the sofa with their breakfast. I got the school to send over some bits for them to do just so they weren't missing out on anything, nothing too strenuous, shape naming and reading for Nila which was easy enough. Alessia has revision for health and social exam so she got on with that.

Work done and of course, it was now snowman-making time. A snow day wouldn't be the same without building one and Nila would hate for me forever if I didn't go outside.

I tidied up the garden whilst out there. The horrible storms we have had over the last few months have torn down our fence and half the contents of the recycling bin I'm sure had blown into the garden. It looks so much better, just the fence needs doing and it will be ready for summer.

We did the best we could with Flower Bum, yes you read that right, Nila named our little snowman Flower Bum and we had such a giggle over it.

The smallest snowman I think we have ever made but it made Nila's little heart happy and that is honestly all that matters right now.

Inside for the biggest mug of tea and biscuits ever and movie time...


Last month I started putting together a list of films I loved as a child on my phone to introduce to the children. Some of them you forget and then they spring to mind and you remember how brilliant they are.

The page master, Return to OZ and the Water Babies are on there and then Drop Dead Fred. We watched it on the weekend and now Nila is hooked, she loves it and thinks it is the funniest film ever so of course that was the chosen movie for today.

We ended the day with bubble baths and the heating on full blast! :)

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