Monday, 15 January 2024


 This winter has by far been the coldest in the UK for a long time. It is trying to snow again this week and I dont know about you but the weather just makes me feel rubbish and the most common time of the year to catch every bug going if you haven't already!. We have had snotty noses in our house over Xmas so I wanted to share with you some ways we try to stay fit and healthy during the winter time.


We are big fans of vitamins and supplements, along with a good diet. Make sure you are getting in your veggies too. We take a few different vitamins, and the children take Sambucol, multivitamins and optibac for gut health. I take an array of vitamins for fitness and health including Symprove which is a live gut bacteria.

It has done wonders for my gut and would highly recommend it. If you follow my link you can get 50% off of your first order or pop in the code Kira Hutt instead :)


The struggle is real, I have it myself. I work from home so some days I haven't even left the kitchen table before I realise it is lunchtime. I invested in a walking pad a few years ago and it's great for getting steps in on a rainy day or after work!.

Get in the garden for some fresh air and a game of tennis or badminton. The kids love being outside and nothing better than whacking a ball around to get your blood pumping and a sweat on :). 


This one might seem like an obvious one, but we only layer up if we are cold, layer up before you get to that point and you will be surprised. Constantly feeling hot and then cold is no fun and will make you feel rotten too. Add an extra layer under your jumper rather than just the jumper, and swap your socks for fluffy bedtime ones in the evening. Sounds simple but so effective!.


Keeping the house warm will make such a huge difference. Popping the heating on in small intervals during the day will keep the house toasty, reduce your energy costs and will actually stop damping.

Putting the heating on in just the room you are in to 'save cost', I totally get it, but this leaves room for dampness and mould in the other rooms to grow. Lowering your radiator level and having the heating on for half an hour every so often is a game changer and you won't feel like you are walking into an ice bucket when needing the toilet :)

If you have any other ways you keep your family fit and healthy then do share them...


  1. A walking pad is a great idea! I have a treadmill, and it's a huge help during the winter when it's just too cold to go outside.

  2. Our winters dont get very cold but staying active and moving is important to us as well. It definitely helps for overall health.

  3. It is so cold at the moment, it really doesn't help with health and mental health. We are trying to stay positive and motivated too but have had colds and coughs. I have just stocked up on vitamins.

  4. We are 100 percent following these tips! We do open the windows for about 15 minutes each morning, after the kids ahve gone to school, to let out the moisture, but otherwise it's heat on and warmed up.

  5. Great tips here, I am one for layering up and getting out in the fresh air as that is such an important part of a healthy life

  6. lavanda Michelle16 January 2024 at 11:38

    With the bipolar weather it's very easy to catch colds. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Winter wellness essentials! Vitamins, active play, layers, and cozy warmth work wonders. - Isabel Pabalan

  8. We do all of these except take the proper vitamins. I'll have to get myself and the kids on a good regime! Stephanie

  9. I totally feel you on the challenging winter weather! It's been a cold one. Dealing with sniffles and bugs during the festive season is no fun. Looking forward to hearing your strategies for staying fit and healthy during this chilly season. Let's share some winter wellness tips!

  10. Lots of good tips. Winter is finally setting in here and finding the motivation to stay active is not easy haha but I've set up some indoor workout videos to help me stay active.

  11. We follow these ideas as well including increasing the dozes of Vitamin C and other vitamins. Oh we also take flu shots.

  12. All of these are fantastic tips! I need to remember to pick up some vitamins the next time I am at the store.

  13. My youngest and I were really poorly last week. We were both exhausted and could barely lift our heads off our pillows. It made me realise we've been neglecting our health recently. We need to get back into taking vitamins and I probably need to be less tight and put the heating on a bit more than I do!

  14. I've been wearing layers of jumpers to stay warm. Heating one room can be cost effective and help fight the cold.

  15. I do always feel so much better when I exercise, but I do think I need to get outside and go for walks more, sometimes I don't get enough fresh air. Great tips x

  16. Love your winter wellness tips! Vitamins, movement, layers, and warmth are key. Keeping cozy and healthy, thanks for sharing! - Isabel Pabalan
