Monday, 4 March 2024


 The weekend was an eventful one and I am determined more than ever now to get this driving license after travelling over 12 overs to pick up my car, yes you read that right 12 hours.

As you know, if you have been a regular over here, my driving journey has been a long one. I first started taking lessons when Alessia was little, even bought a car and then it all fizzled out. Fast forward to last year, I booked a big block of lessons and was determined to pass my test.

Now, when they say as you get older you get more anxious and overthink, they are not wrong. I am the biggest stress head going when it comes to driving, I can drive, it is the theory that I have been putting off for this long.

I finally booked it and there have been four incidents where I have had to cancel due to the children or being ill and honestly, I was so close to giving up.

Last week my parents rang me to tell me they were kindly going to give me their old car as they have purchased a new one. If you are OG's here then I know what you are thinking, how on earth are you getting to Great Yarmouth to pick up a car, this is where Mezz came in :)

So Saturday morning we headed to the train station as he agreed to come with me to my parent's house on the train and then he would drive my car home, such a good egg right?.

Book in tow as Mezz can talk for England, especially to strangers :). I am currently reading The Maid and hoped to finish it on my travels but that was an epic fail!.

Plenty of coffee stops and snacks, we got into Great Yarmouth just after 3pm where my mum and dad greeted us. It was so lovely to see them, even if it was for only half an hour before driving back home, but with them being so far away, little coffee catch-ups are a no-go.

We got home just after 8.30pm, car in the drive, I have taxed and insured it today, exciting times!.

My theory is booked and I am more determined now than ever to be driving by the summer, watch this space...


  1. Congratulations on your car! I am looking forward to seeing the journeys and adventures you have planned. Stephanie

  2. That's great that you have a car - a massive incentive to do the theory test (which I am sure you will smash) and then onto your driving test and that feeling of freedom after you have passed it.

  3. Wow, what a journey! Rooting for you to ace that driving test and enjoy the freedom of the road soon!

  4. You're going to do great! Also, I understand going on a trip for a car. I once drove 14 hours for a car because the deal was just too good to pass up!

  5. The car is beautiful and perfect for road trips! Congratulations....Enjoy all the amazing road trips.

  6. What a journey you've been on! It's inspiring to see your determination to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. With the support of your loved ones and your unwavering determination, there's no doubt you'll succeed in your driving journey. Wishing you all the best on your upcoming theory test, and looking forward to following along as you reach your goal of driving by summer!

  7. Congratulations! Driving is no laughing matter. I'm glad you took your time with it until you were comfortable and confident. How exciting to be wear you are now though! A little road trip sounds like such fun!

  8. All of my friends who learnt to drive as adults have said it's so much harder as well but good on you for not giving up. Good luck with your theory and here's hoping you'll be able to use that car in no time x

  9. That is so very exciting for your whole family! It sounds like a trip well worth taking.

  10. Aw congratulations on the car lovely lady. Sounds like lots of lovely road trips will be being planned. Have fun xx
