Monday, 22 April 2024


 I love that I share my birthday with Earth Day. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love that. Anyway, I turned 38 today and it has been such a lovely day. Safe to say I am well and truly exhausted and will be asleep very shortly :)

The girls had sorted out my birthday gifts and present on the sofa last night so I wasn't allowed downstairs to make ta cup ea or anything, i had orders to abide by and the girls are definitely boss :)

I woke up to some lovely presents and the children were so cute with their cards and gifts. If you have the blessing of knowing Nila, then you will know I had a special package from her. If you are new here then this usually consists of every special occasion for myself I am greeted with an abundance of teddies and toys from her bedroom Kallax which really melts my heart.

This year she treated me with an extra special gift - she had filled an Ikea sandwich bag from the kitchen with marshmallows and Lindor chocolate balls - so cute.

I went to Starbucks for breakfast of course and then headed to Emma Bridgewater with my eldest to do some painting. I love it there and have been quite a few times. I had my heart set on a strawberry design for a mug and I think they looked pretty good if I do say so myself.

After a bit of shopping and a trip to The Works as I had wanted to pick up Verity by Coleen Hoover and thankfully they had it in stock. Most definitely in my reading era and so happy I got my bookworm mojo back.

We headed out to TGI Fridays for my birthday tea. Whenever it is a birthday in the family we go out for tea. Not only did they surprise me with a happy birthday from the staff, but they also came out with cake and a very funny song which included lyrics about me being older and how embarrassed I looked while they were singing it.

We all laughed so much and weren't expecting it at all.

I used to get so stuck in my head about getting older but now, I see it as such a blessing and absolutely love celebrating my birthdays and getting older now :)

 The girls and I have shared the birthday cake this evening and we are so ready for bed. Some bumps in the road but it has been a good day.

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