Monday, 18 November 2024


 Have you ever had the feeling that you want to make some changes in your home and just give it all a bit of a lift? If you have, you won’t be the only one - people love the idea of making their homes feel fresh and new, especially if things have been the same for a long time.

 Photo by Pixabay

But if a complete makeover seems overwhelming (and if we’re honest, it probably does, not to mention expensive), don’t worry - there are loads of things you can do that don’t involve a complete overhaul of your home but that will refresh things for you. With that in mind, read on to find out more.

Rethink Your Layout 

One of the easiest and (generally) free ways to change things and refresh your home is to just move things around - really, that’s all it takes a lot of the time. Try shifting your furniture into a new layout; you could swap the sofa and chairs around, for example, or move the coffee table, or even just bring in pieces from another room (and maybe remove a few others because you don’t want things to get cluttered - more on that later). 

The point is, you’ll be amazed at how different a space can feel just by mixing up the layout, plus rearranging things can also open up areas and space in the room that you almost didn’t realise were there, making the space a lot more cosy and inviting. 

Treat Yourself To A Statement Piece 

Of course, you don’t just have to rearrange the things you already have, and this could be the ideal time to look at what good furniture shops have to offer and buy yourself a wonderful new piece that can take centre stage in the room. Choosing something quite unusual and impressive, like some kind of statement piece in the form of a sofa, dining table, console table, and so on, can make everything look and feel different, and you’ll hardly have to do anything at all. 

When you go shopping, it’s wise to consider the rest of the room and try to find something that’s going to work well - true, something that stands out isn’t a bad thing, as long as it stands out for the right reasons. If it stands out because it looks really out of place and not particularly pleasant, that’s going to make your living space feel less comfortable than before, which isn’t the point at all. 

Declutter Everything

It’s so easy for a space to get cluttered and full, and because it can happen slowly over time, you might not even realise it. What you will notice, however, is a feeling of stress or discomfort, and you might wonder why it’s so hard for you to completely relax. The reason is generally going to be all the stuff around you, making your home less welcoming than it could be. 

That’s why if you want to refresh your living space, decluttering is one of the best things you can do. Take a look around and see what’s not needed and then remove it - either bin it, sell it, or donate it, but whatever you do, if it’s no longer in your living space, you’ve made the right move. 

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these suggestions and will sure to utilize them for the new year. I am thinking of getting a new statement piece, but don't know what I am choosing though.
