I personally don’t think children should bring home Work to do . They are at school from 8.30am until 3.30pm and then have their reading books to attend to in the evening as well as pieces of homework. I think they are at school enough and Work should finish once the bell goes.
It can be quite difficult with a very vocal baby for the older two to get quiet time for their reading and homework. I am a lover of multi tasking - I think you have to be if your a parent of more than one child!. Dinner time can normally consist of eating at the table, whilst doing a sheet of homework and also feeding Nila up at the high chair , as she is normally crying for our dinner - chunky monkey :)
We have decided to crate a quiet corner for the girls so they can gather up their home Work and their reading books and take it to the quiet corner and hopefully, touch wood, get their work done without the noise or chaos that a family of five brings.
We haven’t got the biggest of houses so we have been on the hunt online for a desk to add to the girls quiet corner that is not only affordable but a size that can fit and that is also big enough for what the girls need.
We came across a few styles we liked on the Lionshome website. Some of the desks on their site are gorgeous and quite reasonable in price . I wouldn’t mind one of them for my office if I am honest ! :)
I think Scott and I have decided on the perfect desk for the girls .The Foxal writing desk is exactly what we are looking for .With the width measuring at 65cm, It is small and compact and will definitely fit in the space we have allocated . It has three storage shelves built into the side panel which is going to be perfect for storing pens and all sorts of stationary, colouring books and all their craft bits.
Onto crafts, we can double up the desk as their craft station too! So any glitter sessions the girls want to have (which mama hates!) can be done in their own little crafting corner .
I really like the idea of creating a space just for the children to go to , whether it be doing their homework or just colouring in. Have you got an allocated space for your children?
I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on creating a special place for your kiddies to have and if it has helped with homework and reading.
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