Monday, 19 February 2018


we ventured out on Saturday to a soft play we haven’t been to for so long . It is the only one we know that the age limit is 14 years which is perfect for us so all the kiddies are happy - plus the lattes are so good! :) I made some sandwiches for lunch to keep the cost down and packed some fruit and nibbles.

It was so packed with it being half time but we found a table and got the orders in - raspberry slush puppies and lattes all round . Alessia takes a while to settle in to places like soft play. She is the quieter one out of the girls and needs a bit of prompting before she actually leaves the table , but 9 times out of 10 she will end up making a friend and then moan when we have to leave.

Nila’s second time at soft play. We took her when she was a couple of months old but she slept most of the time. Now she is 7 months and sitting I was dying to get her into the baby section and see what she thought of it .

She absolutely loved it and was in her element!. She loved all the other babies in there too. Eating the balls out of the ball pit was obviously her favourite thing to do :)

She doesn’t like being on her front much but really enjoyed Timmy time at Jumbo. She stands for so long now , and was holding on the soft cubes by herself. I am adamant she is going to be along before she crawls.

I took the opportunity to have some time in the big kids section and go down the slide with Alessia - purely for supervision ... no fun intended :) Even Kadiann enjoyed herself , although she would tell you she didn’t . It’s nice to spend that quality time as a family and I love seeing the girls playing together.

2 hours went by and I really didn’t think we had been there that long .I must admit I was knackered, and everyone wanted a nap by the end of the afternoon.

 We actually found a witchy shop on the way back to the car park and I never even realised it was there after all the times we have walked past it. I treated myself to a few bits and the girls picked some stuff out too- Kay chose some earrings and Alessia chose a crystal, definately her mother’s daughter.

I think this week , as it is half term, we are going to try out some new soft plays that we haven’t been too and hopefully enjoy them as much as we do Jumbo fun .

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