Wednesday, 1 August 2018


The sun has gone his hat in, and his coming out to play, thank god!.We have had huge outbursts of rain and thunder and lightning for 4 days now and I honestly thought summer was over and that was the sun gone until next year!.

His come back out today to okay and we have had a glorious day in the garden. The girls have got a huge swimming pool which we are hoping to put up when we move, so for now we got out Alessias little one that she had for her birthday. It has a big back to it and comes with water crayons to draw on.

I knew it would keep the little ones happy , and they were in there for hours having the best time today, obviously making sure they would creamed up with their Solero 50+ sun cream, I love this one as it’s suitable for eczema prone skin and all the girls have eczema and it’s water resistant , which is perfect for an afternoon of pool time :)

 I got a bit of sunbathing in, which is always a plus as I never usually have 5 minutes to sit and relax, but today has been such a chilled out day.i managed a hot cup of tea, some work and some email catch up. Bliss.

I ended up bringing lunch outside and we had a little snacky lunch, which is the girls favourite at the minute - cheese and crackers, yoghurt and berries and they are happy little munchkins. The day has gone so quick. It always does when your having a nice time doesn’t it .

On week 2 of the summer holidays now and we are still loving every minute , how are you finding them?

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