Thursday, 6 December 2018


When it comes to shopping for the girls for Christmas, I honestly don’t know where to start. They have their lists , which normally change every week! and kids are into everything aren’t they.
I thought I would share with you some gift ideas that I think will definitely go down a treat for this Christmas and hopefully give you some inspiration when in the hunt for presents.

Mr Tumble fans will love this learning tablet. It’s aimed at 2+  and is encourages little ones to learn colours , letters and shoes and all sorts by playing the six games included and pressing on the pictures to hear fun facts!. The sensitive touch screen makes it super easy for little ones to enjoy playing on this learning pad and also encourages being independent :)

Any Sylvanian family fans? The Maple cat family are the perfect addition to any collection or a great family to start with . They are already dressed and ready to play with. The set c Brains a mum,dad, sister and brother :) And they are so blinking cute!

Alessia has the Sylvanian baby castle playground set on her Christmas list for this year. It has a slide and even a little climbing frame area. It’s easily to put together and even comes with a little figure - cute little rabbit baby creme chocolate .

If your kids are into anything geli or slime related then these new Geli Worlds Are the perfect gift!. They have a fantasy pack and also a dinosaur pack and they come with everything you need, including figures,  to make the ultimate creative station of endless fun!

Why not get creative with Plus Plus . They have so many different sets to choose from - great for little ones from 1 year plus too, which is perfect for Nila’s age and also for Alessia. They are essentially building bricks that give you endless amounts of play .

Whether you want to build a 3D fort for your toys Or a lovely mosaic work of art , I can guarantee you that the plus plus bricks will bring the imagination back into your kiddies this Christmas:)

IMC Toys have bought out this super cute Dog Bowie. He plays , ways his tail and even gives you kisses!. He also comes with his very own water bowl shaped in a dog bone which is adorable. Don’t leave little Bowie alone for too long else he’ll be calling out for you for some love and attention! :)

I’m sure there is a doll on someone’s Christmas list somewhere! There always is isn’t there . I love the classic Tiny tears doll. She comes dressed in a super cute party dress and has lovely long hair for your little ones to brush. Included is everything you need for your little baby - bottle , dummy , potty and little pull up knickers! :)

Why not try get some new bath toys for the little ones? This magic whale fountain will definitely give your little ones endless amount of fun at bath time . Pour water on top of the whale to make a super cool fountain . Fun for all ages , even the parents too! 

I hope you’ve got some inspiration and some ideas on what to get your munchkins for Christmas this year :)

-These items were gifted in exchange for a feature in this post.

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