Friday 14 December 2018


Being self employed does have its advantages . The fact that I can be at home with baby Nila and not have to put her into childcare to go back to work is the most important one for me .

I have always said I didn’t want to have her then put her in a crèche to go back to work . For one , the childcare fee is more than what I earn and two, I want to cherish every moment with her , as they grow up so fast!.

So how do I manage working from home productively, and seeing to a baby- and also the housework , don’t forget the house work :)

If you are lucky enough to section off a little corner in the living room or the kitchen for a small work desk then this would be perfect. It doesn’t have to be big , just the right size to keep all your work folders and computer there so nothing gets lost. 

Also don’t forget your chair- Office monster  have some really affordable options that would go perfectly with a small desk and enable you to work comfortably all day.

This probably seems obvious to some, but de cluttering around where you work helps you stay
focused and study published in Chicago actually showed that messy work places can help you to lose concentrating- which I totally agree with!

Definitely make time for breaks . Whether it’s to have a coffee or to do the nappy changing or lunch. Make sure you take a break from the computer or what ever it is you are doing so you can then recouperate :)

I have had my lavender plant for so many years now and the smell of it really gets me relaxed when I am working, I absolutely love the calming smell it has.Apparently the more plants around you the more productive you are :)

Apple home improvements have brought out a really useful infographic to help you make your work space as productive as it can possibly be :)

Maybe you just haven’t got the space in your home for a designated work area , which unfortunately not all of us have . Since moving into our new house , we have found that 3 children do take us so much room , and with the added toys, there is barely any room to swing a cat!

Fortunately for us , our garden is very big and all concrete so no need for cutting the grass and also perfect space for setting my very own little office . The garden is big English to split into two sections so the girls can have their trampoline and swimming pool out there in the summer and mama has somewhere to work from . A Garden room is definitely something I am looking into for the summer .

It is ideal and you can lock away your work when your done and don’t have to think about it until the next day . Literally like going to work .

I’d love to hear your tips and tricks for making your work space as productive as it can possibly be :)

-Collaborative Post

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