Monday, 25 May 2020


One of my absolute favourite desserts at school use to be rice pudding, I absolutely loved it and still do!. I don’t like the tinned stuff, it has to be proper homemade creamy rice pudding and I’ve mastered a delicious recipe in the slow cooker that is not only easy to make but it’s actually Syn free too!

Slimming Worlders - this recipe makes up 6 portions so what I do is just class one portion as healthy A’s for the day just to protect my weight loss :)


1 cup of pudding rice
4 cups(240mlx4) of semi skimmed milk
2 cups(240mlx3) of water
1/2 cup of sugar free vanilla syrup


Add all your ingredients into your slow cooker and set on low for 4/5 hours.

Give your rice pudding a stir every hour and it will start absorbing the liquid and get nice and fluffy.

Once it gets to around 4 hours I will add another cup or two of water to give that last hour enough time to fluff up the rice , you don’t want your mixture going dry.

Once it’s done , dish up and serve . I serve mine with strawberries and a teaspoon of Nutella and honestly it tastes so good!.

I portion mine out into Tupperware and it lasts in the fridge for upto 7 days - unless you eat it all first :)

Do let me know if you recreate this recipe and tag me on Instagram @kira_hutt if you do :)

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