Sunday, 6 September 2020


Today we have had such a fun filled day . We don’t always go out on Sundays as they are usually our day of staying in or going for a walk before dinner .

We decided to book some tickets for the cinema with the girls this morning as it’s one of our favourite things to do and we haven’t been to the cinema as a family since before lockdown and I can tell you it’s definitely the the thing we have missed the most .

We ended up watching the dream builders and it was a really good watch. I won’t spoilt it for you just incase you decided to and see it but I would definitely recommend it and the girls loved it and were giggling throughout at the funny bits :)

We noticed that a small arcade for children had opened up in the complex where the VUE is , which is predominantly aimed at smaller children so we took the girls in for a bit as they love the arcades at nanny and grandads in Great Yarmouth.

There favourite is the 2p drop and they won some tickets and got some sweets and a slinky with their winnings .It was really quiet too which made it even more easier to enjoy the afternoon without having to worry to much about social distancing.

We decided to go out for dinner too!. Although I had already cooked the chicken this morning , I love  these unplanned days as they take you anywhere don’t they , and going out for dinner definitely saves on all the washing up :)

Plus we have a whole cooked chicken now for the week for sandwiches and salads so that’s definitely a bonus!.

We went to brewers fayre for our dinner which we haven’t been before and it was actually really nice . The girls had ice cream for pudding too , which is always a must when we go out for dinner .

I’m really enjoying days like this as it’s bringing back some kind of normality to our lives again which  the children really need , as do we , but the children are really loving getting back out and having fun.

It’s been a lovely day and it has definitely set us up for the week ahead . The girls are bathed and asleep and now it’s time to relax with a glass of wine.

Happy Sunday

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