Friday, 2 October 2020


Friday nights are always movie night In this house . The girls get in from school and we get straight into pyjamas, have our dinner  and get our snacks ready for the evening .

We were lucky enough to be sent out a box of sweets , which was perfect timing . We love Pick N Mix sweets and they are always the sweets we gravitate to were ever we are : cinema or out in town .

The Panda Sweets Pick N Mix boxes contains a whooping 1KG worth of sweets. The box is absolutely stuffed and crammed with all types of sweets including chewy, jelly, fizzy, chocolate and huge marshmallows.

The marshmallows are our favourite and the girls also loved the unicorn and dinosaur jelly sweets. We have big Dino and unicorn fans in this house :)

Panda Sweets  actually design and produce their own sweets which is incredible , and with over 500 different sweets to choose from , there is definitely some out there to satisfy everyone in the family :)

We sat down for movie night and tucked right in , we were stuffed and enjoyed all the varieties that were in our box. Some of the old traditional sweets really took me back to my childhood , and we played a game of which was our least favourite and what was the yummiest!

Our Pick N Mix box has lasted a whole month of movie nights which at £7.49, is definitely a bargain! We can’t wait to order our next box for Halloween season! We have a few left for tonight’s Halloween film - goosebumps!

Plenty of movie nights In store for October!

The team at Panda Sweets are offering one of our readers a chance to get their hands on their own 1kg box of goodies !

To enter , click below and follow the requirements.

Good luck.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
-Gifted item in exchange for a review

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