Friday, 8 January 2021


If you are thinking about trying for a baby, either naturally or with the help of a fertility treatmentyou can increase your chances of conceiving by making some simple lifestyle changes.

Read on to learn five top tips on preparing your body for pregnancy…

1. Start with a health check

When planning to start a family, it is a good idea to book an appointment with your GP, who will be able to conduct a full health check. Your doctor will assess your medical history and discuss any health concerns. Don’t forget to bring your partner along with you too, so that your doctor has a full picture of your family’s medical history.

2. Make healthy choices

Not only is it vitally important that you do not smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy, but you should also quit these unhealthy habits before you start trying to conceiveYou should also try to cut down on caffeine when you are planning a pregnancy. This includes tea, coffee and fizzy drinks. Too much caffeine can make it harder for you to fall pregnant and increases the risk of miscarriage.

3. Change your diet

It is essential to maintain a healthy body weight when you are trying to conceive. Being overweight during pregnancy can lead to complications, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. It can also increase your chances of miscarriage. Try to maintain a balanced diet and follow a healthy lifestyle in order to prepare your body for pregnancy.

4. Improve your lifestyle

Try to include enough exercise in your daily routine. Even a short walk each day can help to prepare your body for the many changes of pregnancy. You can also continue this type of exercise throughout your pregnancy, however it is important to talk to your doctor or midwife about what kind of exercise is suitable for you.

5. Look after yourself

Finally, you must remember to take time to relax and look after your wellbeing when you are trying to conceiveSeveral studies have found evidence to suggest that high levels of stress can lower the chances of pregnancy. Try to reduce your stress levels as much as possible and if necessary and talk to your employer if you are under a lot of pressure at work.  You could also ask your doctor or midwife about recommended techniques to help reduce stress.


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